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Die Bestimmung von Veronica Roth - Science-Fiction Roman

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Autor Veronica Roth
Buchthema Dystopische Romane, Science-Fiction Jugendliche
Produktart Science-Fiction Roman
Autorenland USA
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In einer dystopischen Zukunft ist die Gesellschaft in fünf Fraktionen unterteilt, die jeweils eine Tugend verkörpern: Altruan, Candor, Ken, Amite und Ferox. Beatrice Prior, die Protagonistin, steht vor der entscheidenden Wahl, welcher Fraktion sie sich anschließen soll. Doch der Eignungstest zeigt, dass sie eine Unbestimmte ist, was sie zur Zielscheibe macht. Sie entscheidet sich für die Ferox und muss sich einer harten Aufnahmeprüfung stellen. Dabei gerät sie in einen gefährlichen Konflikt, der nicht nur ihr Leben, sondern auch das ihrer Liebsten bedroht. 'Die Bestimmung' ist ein fesselnder Roman, der Themen wie Identität, Mut und gesellschaftliche Strukturen behandelt. Die spannende Handlung und die tiefgründigen Charaktere machen das Buch zu einem Muss für Fans von dystopischen Geschichten.

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Über den Autor

Veronica Roth, born August 19, 1988, is a #1 New York Times bestselling American author known for her Divergent trilogy.

Persönliche Daten

Geboren: 19.08.1988

Geburtsort: New York City, New York, USA


Young Adult Fiction Science Fiction Dystopian Fiction

Bedeutende Werke



First book in the Divergent trilogy, launched her career.



Second book in the Divergent trilogy, continued the dystopian story.



Third book in the Divergent trilogy, concluded the series.

Chosen Ones


Her first adult science fiction novel.

Wichtige Momente


Publication of "Divergent"

Marked her debut as an author and the beginning of the bestselling Divergent trilogy.


Film adaptation of "Divergent"

Brought her work to a wider audience and solidified her status as a successful author.


Publication of "Chosen Ones"

Marked her transition into adult fiction.

Ausführliche Biografie

Veronica Roth was born in New York City on August 19, 1988. After her parents divorced when she was five, she was primarily raised in Barrington, Illinois. Following her graduation from Barrington High School, Roth pursued her passion for writing by studying creative writing at Northwestern University in Evanston, Illinois, near Chicago. It was during her time at Northwestern, at the age of 20, that she began working on her debut novel, "Divergent," the first book in the dystopian trilogy that would launch her career. Published in 2011, "Divergent" quickly became a New York Times bestseller and resonated with readers worldwide. Roth continued the story with "Insurgent" in 2012 and "Allegiant" in 2013, completing the Divergent trilogy. The series has sold more than 35 million copies globally and has been translated into numerous languages. The success of the Divergent trilogy led to a film adaptation of "Divergent" in 2014, followed by "Insurgent" in 2015, and "Allegiant" in 2016. Roth's subsequent works include the young adult duology "Carve the Mark" (2017) and its sequel, "The Fates Divide" (2018), the collection of short stories titled “The End and Other Beginnings: Stories from the Future” (2019), the adult science fiction novel, "Chosen Ones" (2020), as well as “Arch-Conspirator” (2023). She also published the novella, "Poster Girl", and contributed a short story in the collection “When Among Crows”. Roth currently resides near Chicago with her husband and continues her writing career.

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