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Die dritte Kultur von John Brockman

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Innerhalb von 30 Tagen
Autor John Brockman
Buchthema Kultur, Gesellschaft, Natur, Bildung, Technik
Produktart Allgemeines Sachbuch
Autorenland USA
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In 'Die dritte Kultur. Das Weltbild der modernen Naturwissenschaft' präsentiert John Brockman eine faszinierende Sammlung von Essays führender Wissenschaftler, die die Grenzen zwischen Wissenschaft und Geisteswissenschaften überwinden. Das Buch bietet tiefgehende Einblicke in die Gedankenwelt von Pionieren der modernen Naturwissenschaft und zeigt, wie ihre Ideen die Art und Weise, wie wir die Welt verstehen, revolutionieren. Es ist ein unverzichtbares Werk für alle, die sich für die Schnittstelle von Wissenschaft, Technologie und Kultur interessieren. Die Essays sind nicht nur informativ, sondern auch inspirierend und regen zum Nachdenken über die Zukunft der Wissenschaft und ihre Rolle in der Gesellschaft an.

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Über den Autor

John Brockman is an American literary agent and author known for his work in scientific literature and as the founder of the Edge Foundation.

Persönliche Daten

Geboren: 16.02.1941

Geburtsort: Boston, Massachusetts, USA


Non-fiction Science Technology

Wichtige Momente


Coined the term 'intermedia' and pioneered 'intermedia kinetic environments'

Marked his early involvement in the avant-garde art world and his innovative approach to multimedia experiences.


Founded Brockman, Inc.

Established his career as a literary agent specializing in science and non-fiction, representing numerous influential authors.


Published the essay 'The Third Culture'

Introduced the influential concept of the 'third culture', highlighting the role of scientists and thinkers in communicating complex ideas to a broader audience.


Established the Edge Foundation

Created a platform for leading thinkers to engage in discussions about cutting-edge scientific concepts and their impact on society through the website Edge.org.

Ausführliche Biografie

John Brockman, born on February 16, 1941, in Boston, Massachusetts, is a prominent figure in the world of science and literature. His career began in the 1960s, immersed in the avant-garde art world, where he coined the term "intermedia" and developed "intermedia kinetic environments." He consulted for diverse clients, including General Electric, Columbia Pictures, and even the White House. In 1973, he founded Brockman, Inc., a literary agency specializing in serious non-fiction and science-related works. Brockman's influence extended beyond the literary world. He embraced the emerging digital landscape, incorporating software and the internet into his work. He recognized the growing importance of science communication and sought to bridge the gap between scientific understanding and public knowledge. This led him to introduce the concept of the "third culture," encompassing scientists and thinkers who effectively communicate complex scientific ideas to a wider audience. In 1996, Brockman established the Edge Foundation, a non-profit organization fostering intellectual discourse and exploration at the intersection of science, technology, and culture. The foundation's website, Edge.org, serves as a platform for leading thinkers to engage in discussions about cutting-edge scientific concepts and their implications for society. Through his work as a literary agent, author, and founder of the Edge Foundation, Brockman has significantly contributed to the dissemination and popularization of scientific knowledge. His efforts have facilitated dialogue and collaboration among leading scientists, fostering a greater understanding of complex scientific issues among the public.

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