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Ferngesteuert von Andy McNab

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Autor Andy McNab
Buchthema Thriller Bestseller, Action Thriller, Militärthriller
Produktart Thrillerbuch
Autorenland Großbritannien
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Der Nummer-Eins-Bestseller 'Ferngesteuert' von Andy McNab entführt den Leser in eine Welt voller Spannung und Gefahr. Der britische Geheimdienstagent Nick Stone wird in einen Fall verwickelt, der ihn und die siebenjährige Kelly auf eine dramatische Flucht vor einem unbekannten Feind führt. Die Geschichte ist geprägt von Korruption und Gewalt und bietet einen tiefen Einblick in die dunklen Machenschaften der Geheimdienste. Andy McNab, selbst ehemaliger SAS-Agent, bringt seine Erfahrungen aus militärischen Operationen in die Erzählung ein, was dem Roman eine authentische und packende Note verleiht. 'Ferngesteuert' ist ein Muss für alle Fans von Frederick Forsyth und Tom Clancy und hat sich sowohl in England als auch in Deutschland als Bestseller etabliert.

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Über den Autor

Andy McNab, born Steven Billy Mitchell, is a former SAS soldier and best-selling author known for his first-hand accounts of military operations and thrilling fiction.

Persönliche Daten

Geboren: 28.12.1959

Geburtsort: London, England


Thriller Military Fiction Autobiography

Bedeutende Werke

Bravo Two Zero


Best-selling account of the Bravo Two Zero mission during the Gulf War.

Remote Control


First book in the Nick Stone thriller series.

Immediate Action


McNab's autobiography.

Wichtige Momente


Born and abandoned at Guy's Hospital, London

Marks the beginning of a life marked by resilience and overcoming adversity.


Joins the British Army

Represents a turning point, providing structure and direction to his life.


Awarded the Military Medal

Recognizes his bravery and service in Northern Ireland.


Joins the SAS

Begins a career in special operations, marking a significant step in his military path.


Commands Bravo Two Zero patrol during the Gulf War

The mission, though ultimately compromised, shapes his future and becomes the subject of his literary debut.


Publishes 'Bravo Two Zero'

Marks his breakthrough as an author and brings his military experience to a wide audience.

Interessante Fakten

Despite initial literacy struggles, he became a best-selling author.
He advises security agencies and trains actors for military roles.

Ausführliche Biografie

Andy McNab, born Steven Billy Mitchell on December 28, 1959, in London, England, has lived a life marked by extraordinary experiences. Abandoned as a baby on the steps of Guy's Hospital, he navigated a challenging childhood and adolescence, facing academic struggles and brushes with the law. At 16, following a stint in juvenile detention, he made a pivotal decision that would reshape his life: he joined the British Army. Starting as a boy soldier, McNab entered the Royal Green Jackets. Despite initial literacy challenges, he flourished within the structured military environment, progressing through the ranks and demonstrating remarkable resilience and adaptability. He served in Northern Ireland during the Troubles, earning a Military Medal for gallantry in 1979. Driven by ambition and a desire to test his limits, McNab applied to the elite Special Air Service (SAS). Accepted into B Squadron 22, he embarked on a nine-year journey in the heart of covert operations, deployed across five continents. His missions spanned counterterrorism, drug operations, and VIP protection, demanding expertise in weapons, tactics, surveillance, and information gathering in hostile territories. During the Gulf War in 1991, McNab commanded the eight-man Bravo Two Zero patrol, tasked with disabling communication lines and hunting Scud missile launchers. The mission, however, went awry, leading to the patrol's compromise and a fierce firefight. Captured and subjected to brutal torture, McNab endured six weeks of captivity before his release. This harrowing experience became the subject of his breakthrough book, 'Bravo Two Zero,' published in 1993. The book's raw honesty and gripping narrative resonated with readers, catapulting McNab to international fame and launching a successful writing career. After leaving the SAS in 1993 as the British Army's most decorated serving soldier, McNab leveraged his experience to become a sought-after consultant and advisor. He lectures security and intelligence agencies, trains civilian actors on military procedures, and shares his insights in the film industry. Alongside his writing and consulting work, McNab remains committed to giving back. He actively supports military and literacy charities, recognizing the transformative power of education, and offering inspiration to others who have faced adversity.

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