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Managing for Excellence - , Taschenbuch, Management, Englisch

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Produktart Fachbuch für Wirtschaft
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Autor David L. Bradford, Allan R. Cohen
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Bewährte Managementmethoden und Führungskompetenzen sind in 'Managing for Excellence' vereint. Dieses Buch ist ein Muss für jeden, der seine Führungsqualitäten verbessern und ein Hochleistungsteam aufbauen möchte. Die Autoren David Bradford und Allan Cohen bieten praxisnahe Ratschläge, die jeden Manager von gut zu herausragend transformieren können. Es ist ein Leitfaden, der nicht nur bewundert, sondern auch umgesetzt werden kann – das höchste Lob für ein Managementbuch. Entdecke die Strategien, die tausende von Managern überzeugt haben und setze sie in deinem Team um.


Offizielle Beschreibung

Kurzbeschreibung"Managing for Excellence is above all usable. Its helpful, down-to-earth advice can transform any leader from merely good to positively outstanding. These are the ideas managers can not only admire but act on as well-the highest compliment for a manager's guidebook." -Rosabeth Moss Kanter Author of The Change MastersThe bestseller that revolutionized management's vision of itselfIn the mid-1980s, the notion that the most successful managers are no longer heroic, but share power and responsibility, was so revolutionary that it bordered on heresy. But the ideas championed by David Bradford and Allan Cohen in Managing for Excellence proved so effective that, virtually overnight, thousands of skeptical upper-level managers became true for Excellence isn't just for CEOs, presidents, and veeps-the battle-tested methods laid out in this book help middle managers turn the strategic designs of upper management into reality. Bradford and Cohen reveal how great managers succeed by bringing out the best in their employees. They show managers how to:* Develop a cohesive team that jointly owns critical management issues* Deal with difficult problems head-on and make core decisions through consensus* Encourage healthy competition against objective standards of excellence* Be decisive leaders while encouraging input from team members* Manage daily procedures, adapt to change, and maintain a vision of the future simultaneouslyKlappentext"Managing for Excellence is above all usable. Its helpful, down-to-earth advice can transform any leader from merely good to positively outstanding. These are the ideas managers can not only admire but act on as well-the highest compliment for a manager's guidebook." -Rosabeth Moss Kanter Author of The Change MastersThe bestseller that revolutionized management's vision of itselfIn the mid-1980s, the notion that the most successful managers are no longer heroic, but share power and responsibility, was so revolutionary that it bordered on heresy. But the ideas championed by David Bradford and Allan Cohen in Managing for Excellence proved so effective that, virtually overnight, thousands of skeptical upper-level managers became true for Excellence isn't just for CEOs, presidents, and veeps-the battle-tested methods laid out in this book help middle managers turn the strategic designs of upper management into reality. Bradford and Cohen reveal how great managers succeed by bringing out the best in their employees. They show managers how to:* Develop a cohesive team that jointly owns critical management issues* Deal with difficult problems head-on and make core decisions through consensus* Encourage healthy competition against objective standards of excellence* Be decisive leaders while encouraging input from team members* Manage daily procedures, adapt to change, and maintain a vision of the future simultaneouslyBuchrückseite"Managing for Excellence is above all usable. Its helpful, down-to-earth advice can transform any leader from merely good to positively outstanding. These are the ideas managers can not only admire but act on as well-the highest compliment for a manager's guidebook." -Rosabeth Moss Kanter Author of The Change MastersThe bestseller that revolutionized management's vision of itselfIn the mid-1980s, the notion that the most successful managers are no longer heroic, but share power and responsibility, was so revolutionary that it bordered on heresy. But the ideas championed by David Bradford and Allan Cohen in Managing for Excellence proved so effective that, virtually overnight, thousands of skeptical upper-level managers became true for Excellence isn't just for CEOs, presidents, and veeps-the battle-tested methods laid out in this book help middle managers turn the strategic designs of upper management into reality. Bradford and Cohen reveal how great managers succeed by bringing out t


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